Friday 19 September 2014

Fine Art LO1

Fine Art Photography

Fine Art Photography is created in accordance with the vision of the artist as photographer. Fine art photography stands in contrast to representational photography, such as photojournalism, which provides a documentary visual account of specific subjects and events, literally re-presenting objective reality rather than the subjective intent of the photographer; and commercial photography, the primary focus of which is to advertise products or services.

Ansel Adams

This image is a landscape image, meaning that it only shows the natural environment this allows the audience to see the entirety of the image and to see the scenery. The story to this image could be that the dam represents oppression or control and the water represents freedom this could allude to people in isolation or political problems. With Ansel Adams he often took photographs of big open areas like fields or big desolate areas, this could add to the suggestion that he tries to explore freedom and isolation in his photographs. I believe that Adams’s photo’s hold a particular ideology within them and since most of his photos are comprised of wide open areas with beautiful sights this could be a symbol of purity or beauty. His photos are also framed so that the audience can see every detail within the shot for example with this image we can clearly see the big white dam in the center whereas on the right hand side the mountainside is darker making the dam stand out due to its bright color. Adam’s also predominantly uses long shots in his photos, he does this to illustrate to the audience the idea of being able to be free in these environments whether it be a wide open field with mountains in the background or if it is a shot of a lakeside they always make the audience feel like they are in those locations.

Sam Tayler-Wood

The main subject in the image is a woman being dragged into the air by two balloons. This photograph is a self-portrait which doesn’t explore the characters expression from her face, but rather from her body language and what connotations people can draw from this. The story of this image could be that the balloons represent authority and the girl is resisting as she is uncontrollable. The lighting in this image is high key in the center (where the main character is) however the lighting is very low key in the background which could suggest that this image has some dark undertones, possibly that this girl could be troubled and that the darkness represents her sadness, whereas balloons are typically a symbol of happiness. Sam Taylor- wood often has supernatural themes in her photographs and often have people angled in impossible positions. This could suggest that even the impossible can sometimes be made possible, and in particular photos has some connotations that relate to freedom, constraints, happiness and or sadness. She also uses long shots predominantly in her photographs as she wants the audience to see the environment the model is in and evoke a reaction in them depending on the various environments.

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